The Sobriety Resource was birthed from a need to help families struggling with addiction find trusted, professional recovery and treatment options. It takes all of us working together to meet the changing and growing needs of those we serve. Great Partners = Great Results for the families of Georgia.
If you would like to become a part of our placement provider network, we'd love to have you join us. Just complete our simple online placement provider application and one of our staff will be in touch about next steps.
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Addiction comes with many challenges. There’s no cookie cutter response. Each person is unique. Each solution is too.
The great news is that recovery does happen. People do change. It's all about making the right connections. And for that, we need you! Wherever you are on the spectrum of care, there is one thing we know for sure – it takes all of us to impact real change.
Together we form a recovery community that is making a difference -- one life, one family, and one community at a time. Join us! READ MORE